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Millennium Images 7th Catalogue: Universal Happiness Peace and Prosperity

Millennium Images 7th Catalogue: Universal Happiness Peace and Prosperity

Every so often, Millennium Images, the London-based photography agency that I am a contributor to, publishes a beautiful catalogue of work by their stable of “artist photographers”.

In 2020, I was fortunate enough to be included in Millennium Catalogue VI: AM/PM with my photograph of Arctic sea ice. In Millennium Images 7th Catalogue: Universal Happiness Peace and Prosperity, my image of a lead in sea ice off the coast of Greenland appears on page 14.

Dijmhna Sund, Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden
A pathway opens in the landfast sea ice, forming a question mark in Dijmhna Sund, Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden, in Greenland’s remote northeast corner. The Arctic Ocean sea ice continues to decline; as more white ice, which reflects sunlight back into space, is lost to due the burning of fossil fuels, the remaining dark water absorbs heat, creating a feedback effect spells bad news for the Arctic, and the global climate. Greenland, 2009
This mage can be licensed via Millennium Images. Contact me for more details, or email For giclée prints, contact me, or click “add to cart” to some standard print options.

Millennium says: 

Designed by StudioThomson, his starting point was researching the definition of the word ‘millennium’. Our favourite interpretation is ‘a period of universal happiness, peace, and prosperity’, a euphoric phrase full of hope, and especially uplifting in challenging times. Building on this positive philosophy, Chris Thomson felt the design should express the community that is Millennium, the coming together of passionate artists, sharing the world they live in and their relationships with each other.


You can access the PDF of Universal Happiness Peace and Prosperity here or buy a printed copy here.

View  my full Millennium Images portfolio here. Thanks to Niall and the team at Millennium for including me in this classy photobook.

Dijmhna Sund, Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden by Dave Walsh, page 14, Millennium Images 7th Catalogue: Universal Happiness Peace and Prosperity

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