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15 Bird Portraits

Common Shag, The Saltee Islands
European shag, or black cormorant, Saltee Islands, off the coast of Co. Wexford, Ireland. This belligerent looking shag was not happy about me climbing down the difficult path to the nearby gannet colony, and made a great show of hissing and expressing its distaste for humans.

In late 2020, I started pulling together a series of bird portraits, images made all over the world, over a long period of time. I believe the beauty, diversity and strangeness of birds is often overlooked, so I wanted to share that with my followers on my Instagram account.

You can see the collection here: 15 Bird Portraits
Here’s a slideshow:

When I was about to post this blog, author Anne Rimmer and designer Jacinda Torrance contacted me from New Zealand. A long time ago, they had been in touch regarding one of my images for the cover of a new book about the island of Tiritiri Matangi, an island close to Auckland that is home to a remarkable nature sanctuary. Following a delay, the book has finally come out – and it features one of my bird portraits, a saddleback, or Tieke.

Tiritiri Matangi Book

The book is available from the Tiritiri Matangi Open Sanctuary online shop

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