In late 2020, I started pulling together a series of bird portraits, images made all over the world, over a long period of time. I believe the beauty, diversity and strangeness of birds is often overlooked, so I wanted to share that with my followers on my Instagram account.
You can see the collection here: 15 Bird Portraits
Here’s a slideshow:
When I was about to post this blog, author Anne Rimmer and designer Jacinda Torrance contacted me from New Zealand. A long time ago, they had been in touch regarding one of my images for the cover of a new book about the island of Tiritiri Matangi, an island close to Auckland that is home to a remarkable nature sanctuary. Following a delay, the book has finally come out – and it features one of my bird portraits, a saddleback, or Tieke.
The book is available from the Tiritiri Matangi Open Sanctuary online shop