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Photographs featured in Irish Mammal Atlas

Atlas of Mammals in Ireland

Atlas of Mammals in Ireland

I received this beautiful book in the post yesterday – an Atlas of Mammals in Ireland, 2010-2015, published by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, and authored by Liam Lysaght and Ferdia Marnell. I’m honoured to have two of my photographs featured – one depicting Ireland’s majestic red deer, and the other, our under appreciated feral goats. The book is out, and in the shops, so check your local (Irish) bookshop now.

Update – check out this video from RTE News about the book.

Red deer in Atlas of Mammals in Ireland photograph by Dave Walsh

Feral Goat photo by Dave Walsh in Atlas of Mammals in Ireland

The photographs:

Red Deer stag, Kerry, Ireland

Red Deer stag and harem, Cervus elaphus, in Killarney National Park, Kerry, Ireland, during the annual rutting season. Native to Ireland since the last ice age, the red deer population dwindled to around 60 at the turn of the 20th century, but thanks to protection and management now number in the hundreds. During the rutting season, the stags gather around 5 hinds into a harem, and give out a loud, deep roar to challenge or ward off other males. Inexplicably, the red deer hinds are still hunted in Ireland, although it’s illegal to hunt the stags in Kerry. Copyright 2011 Dave Walsh. All Rights Reserved.
Feral Goat, Glenealo Valley, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, near the ruined Miner’s Village

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