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November 2012

Winter Newsletter: The Cold Edge Continues

The Cold Edge Launch, photo © Alex Yallop

[This is the web version of my email newsletter – subscribe here]

Welcome to my winter newsletter, with news on the continuing Cold Edge adventure, how you can get your hands on the Cold Edge book and a chance to catch my photographs at the Christmas Exhibition at The Copper House, Dublin, from this Thursday, November 29th.
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Photoshelter Interview: The Cold Edge

Photoshelter Interview of Dave Walsh on The Cold Edge

Thanks to Lauren Margolis, and the guys over at Photoshelter for taking time out of mopping after the recent Hurricane Sandy, to publish a fun Q&A with me about photographing in icy and very sunny conditions.

Lauren writes:

Picture this: You’re out on a ship in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. From afar, the icebergs look like moderately-sized chunks. But as you get closer, you realize that your little ship dwarfs in comparison to these monstrous beings, and they’re actually not still at all, but slowly bobbing in the water. And every now and then, a hunk (the size of your head? your car? you can’t tell from here) breaks off the side.

It might sound nerve-racking, but polar and environmental photographer Dave Walsh lives for this kind of adventure. “The frozen regions of our planet have the power to ignite imaginations,” says Dave, “but for most of the 7 billion people on Earth, the Arctic and Antarctic remain abstract and unreachable.”

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The Cold Edge on Discovery News

The Cold Edge by Dave Walsh on Discovery News

Great news: A selection of images from The Cold Edge series has been featured by the Discovery News homepage!

The Arctic is changing. Summer sea ice extent this year was at its lowest in the satellite record as global warming tightens its grip. But change is relative. At their most hostile, the polar regions remain cold and forbidding: as photographer Dave Walsh calls them in his new book, “The Cold Edge” of the planet.

Walsh, who has traveled to Arctic and Antarctic multiple times over the last several years, launched his book with an exhibit at the Copper House Gallery in his native Ireland. “I wanted my photographs” – such as this iceberg, a bright blue as a result of ice being compressed for thousands of years – “to inspire people to not only fall in love with their home planet, but to start giving a damn and take action to protect it.” says Walsh.

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