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My work featured in The Shot

The Shot: Isle of the Dead, Dave Walsh

A portfolio of five of my photographs has been featured in issue four of the excellent Irish photography magazine The Shot. A big thanks to editors Karl and John who are masterminding the project; each issue showcases five photographers with five images each, and five hundred words to talk about themselves and their photography. The current issue includes an interview with Anthony Haughey

For my portfolio, The Shot selected a combination of images from the Arctic – a polar bear and walrus; and the Antarctic – a majestic iceberg, juxtaposed with industrial images. The relief drilling rigs at the site of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, and closer to home, the twin smoke stacks of the iconic Poolbeg electricity generation station in Dublin. There’s a theme at work here, of course – our hunger for resources, and the related threat of climate change.

You can view Issue 4 of The Shot here… and the main website of The Shot here.

Here’s The Shot selection:

The Shot Selection

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